It's no secret that Jason Gray is hands down one of my favorite singer/songwriters. So, imagine my joy when I heard a new Jason Gray song last week, quickly followed by a little sadness upon learning the album itself wasn't coming out until March! Only a few words/notes in, I knew this song would become a favorite. It shouldn't surprise anyone that this song made me cry the first few times. The second verse alone was enough to undo me, emotionally.

There's silence at the table
He wants to talk but he's not able
For all the shame that's locked him deep inside
Oh, but her words are the medicine
When she says they can begin again
And forgiveness will set him free tonight
As heaven touches earth

Over and over again I have now listened to this song. And each and every time, my mind goes back to that night in February 2012 when I came clean with my husband. And while it wasn't immediate, because I couldn't accept it, because all I could see was the sin and shame in my own life, forgiveness set me free that night. Heaven came down and touched me, touched Kris, and brought light to a darkness that had dominated our lives for far too long.

I know I have been somewhat silent this month. I have a million excuses, but I'll not bore you with the details. Let me just say that I recognize how long it has been, and I can only offer a promise to be more intentional here. In the meantime, until I get back into a place where it is physically easier for me to sit at the computer and type, I am going to at least make a more concentrated effort to share the songs that are speaking to my heart.

Towards the end of Jason Gray's new song he writes:

God put a million, million doors in the world for his love to walk through.
One of those doors is you.

And I love this concept of Christ followers bringing the kingdom come. We have a responsibility. We have a call on our lives to be light, to be the door that Jesus can walk through, so that others can see and believe.

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