Never fear, I have another song for you!  This week, my goal is to post songs about hope and focus on remaining strong and living in peace with everyone, running after peace.

I wish that I was not sitting here writing about the tragic situation in Ferguson, MO.  But it is hard to be unaffected by something that is so close to home, and worse, something that continues to escalate.  This post has nothing to do with my opinion.  I do have one, but this isn't the time or the place for it.

This is about hope.  This is about seeing joy in the darkness.  Seeing that there can be love where others respond in hate.  What is happening in my city is devastating.  While personally I'm avoiding the area where all the protesting and looting and rioting is taking place, people are assembling, peacefully and with the intent of violence.  It's heartbreaking to see the conflict on the news and it's difficult to be unaffected by it.

Even though we're still in the midst of the most intense situation I've ever been so close to, I find myself looking forward to an end.  I know my God, and I have hope that this too shall pass.  Tensions are high right now, and some day, hopefully very soon, things will calm down for good and peace will reign.  

And in the wake of this, I have seen Christians fall to their knees in prayer.  Because we believe that prayer works.  We believe that our God restores.  We believe in a God who works miracles.  One of my closest friends started an online prayer group on Facebook where those sincere about praying for peace on all sides can go and just pray.  It is an uplifting place to go in this time of unrest.  If you would like to be a part of the prayers (and if you are there for any other reason you will be blocked), you can find that group here:  Online Prayer Group For Ferguson and St. Louis.

Yesterday I spoke of my discovery of Danny Gokey, and today you'll get to hear my favorite song by him right now, and one that I think is appropriate to those of us longing for peace to be the outcome in our city.

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